Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Somebody Please Stop The Bus! I Want To Get Off! I was just as usual thinking about life a little before I go to bed. I know I don't seem like the kind who bothers about life, but I deeply do. I was just thinking as usual from something little to something big. Bear with me, its a really dumb thought process. I was thinking about Singapore, and how I really miss the place the people the culture. I started thinking about how I would really enjoy going back this December. As the soundtrack of The Last Samurai played in the background, I just thought of how I was going to have my usual conversation with my baber now that I am growing my hair out and don't have the need for a cut, but its customary I see him, I mean this is the guy who cut my hair from a child or well a little older then a child. Then I thought, he is not waiting for a chance to cut my hair. What if when I go back he is dead? Life seems to being going really fast. I cant even seem to keep up. Is this more responsibilities I will have to face as an adult? I don't know, I want to slow down a little, this is really stressing me out. I know I sound stupid, but you do realize you only live once right, I mean I don't care about my age or nothing, just the fact of knowing how time is being spent everyday scares me! However stupid this sounds, I know I have no choice but too keep up. Hey Mr. Bus man, slow down a little, I want to stop for a bit, do I have to die just yet? Have you been going this fast? I never noticed till this late. I am moving closer and closer Oh my God, soon I'll be Dead! Is this all the time I have? Will I do enough before I pass? I feel as if I just opened my eyes. Don't I have a Choice in this? ![]() Posted by Keiran at 2:13 AM Saturday, September 09, 2006
Body Worlds I know I have not blogged in a while, so I thought I would. So, last Monday was a labor day holiday. We bought tickets and went to see Body Worlds. You know, Gunther Van Hagan's Body Worlds... Ok for those of you who don't know, I have photographs. You know how people say a picture says a thousand words... ![]() ![]() Cool huh? Yea I thought so too. Well I am still trying to get people to go to my deviant art page, so if you liked the few photos here, its www.scarletgarden.deviantart.com for the rest. Also recently I took a chance made by this girl in school, and went out towards another way to get to the desert. It was a pretty long drive but, there was a desert, but the photos were not as good as I hoped, it was quite a gloomy day. What happened later that day was cool though. Jason/Anna called me and told me to meet him at this place where there are car meets cause there was a Skyline! Yea, quite cool. I got to see a few other cars too, like the Honda/Acura NSX, and the drifting guys were there too! There was a AE86 TRUENO, COOL! Well I did want to take good photographs, but as I said it was a gloomy day for my photography. Well I did get a few photographs though. ![]() ![]() ![]() Yea, well now with school and all, I am really trying to study harder to get good grades, but I should not abandon my blog so easily. I'll slip a few more post here and there! Movies I watched recently!: Well not many just two, one sucked so I shall not even mention it, but the other was Ong Bak! Tony Jaa is the coolest guys, he is like a mix of Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee. He is a almost perfect hybrid! For those of you who haven't please check it out, if you like really cool story and really good fight scenes, you'll love it! And the finishing move!!!!! WAHHH! Muay Thai is hard core as hell! Tony Jaa's joints are made of steel I tell you! Yea well that's about it. Oh and Cowboy Bebop rocks! Thanks Gene and Ravi! Go Spike! Posted by Keiran at 9:05 PM Monday, September 04, 2006
The Man Who Gave It His All
By now most of you would have heard the terrible news, and for those of you who haven't, brace yourselves. The Crocodile Hunter, Mr. Steve Irwin has passed on. Yes Animal Planets Man of Steel was killed Monday by a stingray while filming an underwater documentary on the Great Barrier Reef. I am not very good with words so I would just like to say that he is being greatly missed and will never be forgotten by our generations and hopefully would not be forgotten in years to come. He was the greatest Warrior for Animal Conservation, and a someone who gave his life to try and save the lives of many animals, not just by helping them, but also by helping educate the world of their importance. Never caring about people calling him crazy or stupid, he stuck to his ideals and never gave up. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posted by Keiran at 1:33 AM |
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