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Monday, May 22, 2006

Why life is so short

Though it mat seem like I am answering a question, I am not. Lately I have been thinking, and no I did not just start! I saw this old man parking his car the other day, and I just haven't been able to let the image of life go, where does it all go at the end of the day? I see my self looking at this blog post in 30 years (if blogger is still up) and remembering typing it. Just like the movies, I don't seem to remember yesterday, but its already tomorrow. I do not see the point of it, yes I already know that people have already realized this, but I mean do we see ourselves? Do you realize that the reason we are alive is pointless. I am not crazy, suicidal or anything, but as I saw that old man, I saw in him a look of regret, as he slowly took his time to pull the car in the lot and sighed before he turned the engine off, he knew his existance was nothing but regretful, he knew he is reaching the end of his time. I don't know why I am writing this all of a sudden, maybe I want other peoples ideas and thoughts, but I have none of my own. This Mexican man was cleaning the side of the pavement with a leaf blower, why? Not why as in why bother because our lives are meaningless, but how does it work to blow dirt and trash from left to right? It astounds me, but people here seem not to care is the trash was spread out. PEOPLE! IT'S NOT WATER, SPREADING IT OUT DOES NOT MEAN IT WILL EVAPORATE FASTER! Well I do have a answer in a way to why we are here. This Sunday we went to Bear Creek Park and the beauty in this world distracts me from the irritating question drilling my mind. We had so much fun, go to Jasons blog to see the fun pictures, but for the artsy fartsy me, I like to be a little you know...

Vader Thirsty...
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Medicine for Goat...
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Watch youself...
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Artsy Fartsy...
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Well you all should know that there is more on my Deviant Art page, , go see it if you have time, and well tell me what you think.
Also want some ideas you have on life! Tell me please! I know I am acting childish, but it is irritating, not like pebble in your shoe irritating, its knowing how to do a maths sum till you are at the exam, then you cant remember. Well, anything right know I am open too, I feel like I am stuck in a white room with no doors!

Posted by Keiran at 11:23 PM

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Am I really EVIL?

You Are 74% Evil
You are very evil. And you're too evil to care.Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot.

How Evil Are You?

Though I took this test, I still feel I am a good person. Let me show you what I clicked and did not click...

(X)You've broken the law (Who hasn't)
(X)You've looked at nudie pics online (Again, who hasn't)
(X)You've secretly wished someone harm (Alot of people do this!)
( )You've kissed someone you shouldn't be kissing
(X)You've said something so mean it made someone cry (I didn't mean too)
( )You've done illegal drugs
(X)You've killed a bug (This one really! I am not a Monk)
(X)You've spit in someone's drink (I went to a boys school, I spat in many peoples drinks!)
(X)You've sought revenge on someone (An eye for an eye)
(X)You've made a prank phone call (HAHA! YEAYA!)
( )You've turned people against someone
(X)You've illegally Xownloaded music online (I donno what Xownloaded is...Maybe you do!)
( )You've flirted with someone to make someone else jealous
(X)You've told racist / sexist jokes (Yea, its funny, I don't mean it, but its funny!)
(X)You've called someone the "c" word (Many "c" words, which one!)
(X)You've made a promise you knew you were going to break (Everyone has)
(X)You've done the "walk of shame" (I was not alone!)
( )You've corrupted a minor
(X)You've divulged someone's dark secret (So have you stop judging me!)
(X)You've made fun of a retarded person (I must treat them like everyone!)
(X)You've cheated on a test... Or a lover (Thanks Elijah, but funnily I still failed)
(X)You don't believe in God (Not yet anyway)
( )You hate kids
(X)You've gotten in a fist fight (Again, boys school!)
(X)You made someone's life hell in school (Sorry Elijah!)
(X)You've shoplifted or stolen from someone (No comment!)
(X)You've been so drunk you couldn't remember the night before(Santhiyaa, where are your shoes!)
(X)You've made fun of a fat person (I am fat, so its fair! WIDE LOAD)
(X)You have a fondness for disturbing picture(Yea, this is a little sick, but I like when people mess up)
(X)You've blamed a fart on someone else (Now I have come to admit it! I am a new man!)
(X)You enjoy setting things on fire (I should put the video up!)
( )You've been arrested
( )You've secretly backstabbed a friend
( )You would choose your life over the lives of 100,000 strangers
(X)You would kill for 1,000,000 if you were guaranteed not to get caught (Well, bad people!)
( )You've harmed yourself to get attention
( )You have a nemesis
(X)You believe in an eye for an eye... Or even more for an eye (I think I already answered)
(X)You don't think lying to a stranger is a big deal (Why not?!)
(X)You think giving to the homeless is wasting money (Get a job you bum)
(X)You'll pick evil over stupid any day (Hurry someone, make me evil!)
(X)You aren't bothered by seeing others in pain (Funny!)
(X)You'd rather have world domination than world peace(Only if I am the dominator!)
(X)You enjoy very violent video games (GO GO GO!)
( )You are disgusted by weak people
(X)You would keep a wallet full if cash if it came your way (Finders keepers, ill take the cash, but if got ID, ill return)
( )You rather harm an enemy than help a friend
(X)You've shot a gun... And liked it (Cant wait till I get my own!)
(X)You'd rather be a supervillian than a superhero (I am Darth Maul!)

Ok, does that make me evil?

Oh on another note, some of you may already know, that I am currently addicted to Naruto. Even though Santhiyaa calls me a Jap lover, When clearly the show is not set in Japan, or are the people Japanese! I still like it, I want powers people! I want it bad! I watch the show and all I can think of is how cool it would be if I could Shadow Replicate, Breathe Fire, Control Sand, Create Spheres of Energy, Walk Under Ground, Have Super Cool Eyes, Hold And Control Lightning In My Hand, Super Strength, Summon Cool Powerful Animals, Have A Sealed Nine Tail Demon Fox In me, And more... We as humans are too weak! I want those cool powers! Well I know I sound like a 5 year old kid here, ok ok 4 year old kid, but seriously, don't you?

Shadow Replication...
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Kage Bunshin no Jutsu

Breathe Fire...
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Katon Housenka

Control Sand...

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Create Spheres of Energy...

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Have Super Cool Eyes...

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Hold And Control Lightning In My Hand...
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Have Nine Tailed Demon Sealed In Me...
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Posted by Keiran at 10:17 PM

Saturday, May 06, 2006

There isn't an intelligent person for miles!

Well I have have been wasting my Saturday away as usual on the computer and not doing anything! As I surf the internet I see a rising pattern, there is a new major anti-conformist phase growing! The... The.. The Emo! Sorry for being so dramatic, I meant it in a sarcastically funny way, honestly, I don't understand it, the red eye shadow, the white face powder and the black eye liner, and that's just the guys! So I have thought of a way to show tribute to their pain! With this picture...
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This Video Rocks!..

Well what kind of tribute would this be without one of my practice drawings!...
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Well hope you like it, a really good cartoonist gave me some tips, and one of them was ofcourse, PRACTICE!

Posted by Keiran at 9:08 PM

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

This is not giberish! It's an art!

Well I looked up what people searched and were led to my blog, so I decided to make it into a story! These are the words first...

are all zonkers zips zoodles and definitely then this sentence logical umpa lumpa lyrics Russian soldier dimondback head cut Indian stuck
Greek throat pictures rattle what rattlesnake factory snakes getting slit the snake Charlie birth chocolate splosh accent stokes off nick sploshing Harvey giger with funny 98k songs machine picture you

So those were the words, now the story...

If all Zonkers are made of Zips and Zoodles then definitely this sentence is logical, I mean if the umpa and lumpa can write such beautiful lyrics about a Russian soldiers dimondback mouse being stuck in an Indian mans head, then shouldn't a Greek mans throat have pictures of a rattle? All I am saying is if there were a rattlesnake factory, they won't be an endangered species anymore. The snakes we see are snakes that Charlie killed, so in return I had to slit his throat, was fun, but the birth of spolshing was created by him when he sat on a chocolate cake had made a noise with an accent, which in turn strokes nick and Harvey's attention, if you know what I mean. But in any case I still love giger with his funny machine of songs, by the way Gene picture you with 96k internet speed! A little faster don't you think?

Ok well that's all I could think off, if you are bored make a good story and send it to me and if it's cool I post it on you r behalf!

Posted by Keiran at 8:17 AM

About me

Name: Keiran Kumar
Amatuer Photographer and guitarist.
Music enthusiast.

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