Friday, March 31, 2006
German Engineering Check out the coolest Volkswagen advertisement. Say What? We Just Dropped It Like Its Hot! OH SNAP! I want this car bad! Posted by Keiran at 9:51 PM Wednesday, March 29, 2006
The Giger Reviver ![]() A man of multiple talents and a man who is an amazing artist. I mean, I never was into Alien as a kid, maybe was scared of them when I was young, but H.R. Giger's works of art are beautiful. My favorite piece is the Birth Machine. Unfortunately the copy I want cost about $6,750.00 And I just don't have that kind of money. So I have decided to buy the poster as soon as I can get my hands on some money. This is the poster, and the sculpture I want to get, though the sculpture is also very expensive. ![]() ![]() I can however buy this ring I want to get, in my price range, and all that good stuff, though I would like to ask for help in the funds department, I can cover the shipping its the matter of the cost of the ring I need help with, donations are welcome, I need to save $150.00, for information on donating please message me on MSN. ![]() And now presenting the work of H.R. Giger, in his multiple forms of talent... In Drawings... ![]() And you already saw the Birth Machine. In Furniture... ![]() Can't you see yourself with more power over your house with this chair! ![]() I have to say that he is really out there, in a good way, but still out there. He has made a bench mark for other new age artists to follow. Don't lie you all love it too! I really want the poster and ring though, guessIi gotta start saving then. Posted by Keiran at 8:57 PM Monday, March 27, 2006
Phobophobia and Panophobia You are a crazy person with Agateophobia. A masochist with Agliophobia. You are tired but you are a Cathisophobic. A undertaker with Coimetrophobia. A judge who is Dikephobic. A narcist with Eisoptrophobia. A rapist with Eurotophobia. A whore with Genophobia. A priest who has Homilophobia and Ecclesiophobia. A man who wakes up and has Ithyphallophobia. A Caucasian with Leukophobia. A musician with Melophobia. A pathologist with Necrophobia. You are like God with Ouranophobia. You have Pogonophobia and also Xyrophobia. You are a crazy person with a Fear of insanity. A masochist with a Fear of pain. You are tired but you have a Fear of sitting. A undertaker with a Fear of cemeteries. A judge who has a Fear of justice. A narcist with a Fear of mirrors or of seeing oneself in a mirror. A rapist with a Fear of female genitalia. A whore with a Fear of sex. A priest who has a Fear of sermons and a Fear of church. A man who wakes up and has a Fear of seeing, thinking about or having an erect penis. A Caucasian with a Fear of the color white. A musician with a Fear or hatred of music. A pathologist with a Fear of death or dead things. You are like God with a Fear of heaven. You have Fear of beards and also Fear of razors. ![]() Posted by Keiran at 3:36 PM Friday, March 24, 2006
Survivor Man Well though most people are not cool and do not watch the science channels, I do, like may of my cool friends, who's identities have to be kept secret so people won't call them "geeks" of what ever, but I know I am a geek and am very proud of it. Ok not the point at all, well some of you may have watched the show Survivor Man and may have enjoyed it like I have, well Ravi has agreed I hope to go along with me to try this one week end, I think its going to be the most fun I ever had. ![]() Though we are not going to be as hard core as this guy, we still will be going with the essentials only. I hope to have fun with this, fish or do what ever it takes to eat and stuff, no snacks, no canned foods, maybe Maggie mee, hmm..... Wait, wait, No no no! Cannot, not very cool like that. Well Ravi if you are seeing this I have marked the map of Pulau Ubin where I think we should do this, I like the little island, but hard to get back is the only problem, ok if you think its a cool idea, please feel free to give constructive ideas to help if not, shut up! Or well don't type anything! ![]() Posted by Keiran at 11:54 PM
Warning I am not saying anything too obvious, but you know this is for you! MUHAHAHAHA! Well thought you would like to see my progress since the last time, a little bit better, but what do I know? I'll let you figure it out! ![]() Well ok it's a little small print, so ill type it out for ya'll, it says... *Your rank 8 of 2157 with 564 kill(s), 2005 hit(s), 60.19% eff. and 18.22% acc. I think that's good, well I'm not gonna brag, but well it's just a warning. Posted by Keiran at 8:14 PM Sunday, March 19, 2006
Bored? Are you bored, do you have a decent internet connection? Are you into law enforcement, then go to and download Houston, Texas live police scanner. It will stream through your windows media player or real player. Posted by Keiran at 8:27 PM
I Had To Shave, Like A Man Named Dave, Who Has A Path To Pave As you can tell by my amazingly intelligent title, I shaved, and well, I thought this would be a good opportunity for me to blog about my ideas on shaving products. Do you realize that they keep coming up with new crap, like first it started with 3 blades, I mean when they did that people were amazed, but no, Schick retaliated with the Quatro, which ofcource is amazing for me, I also realize how pointless it is that I persist on getting these products. I mean people who know me know that I can shave with a blunt rock or maybe even a butter knife for the amount of hair I grow, I still own a Gillette Mach3 and a Schick Quatro. What's next really after this, how far will we take it, lets see.... Introducing the Gillette Katana.. ![]() All the Japanese precision crafted into one blade with one desire, closet shave you will ever have or your life back! Or... The Schick Saber... ![]() What George did not do, we did, get rid of your 5 o'clock dark side, with the Schick saber, its like the Gillette Katana but with power!(batteries not included) Posted by Keiran at 12:21 AM Tuesday, March 14, 2006
They Follow Their Master, And Their Master Is Me. Went to do some photography today, and well found out a few interesting things, Ducks love me, well just these Ducks, a little scary at first when they all turn and look at me and start "quacking" and slowly following me, but cool really. I think they felt the sadness I had for their brother who I saw on the road, and trust me, that Duck was not driving, if you know what I mean. Poor fella, Look both ways, what kind of parents he must have had, not even teaching him stuff like this. What is weird is I realized I have more sympathy for animals then humans, a new friend of mine Eric sent me a video of a Russian soldier getting his throat slit and then his head cut clean off, most people would turn away or maybe feel sick, but I felt nothing, maybe a little humor behind it. What, do I know the guy, I don't, yea it sucks for him, but why should I feel sick, does that make me sick? Well all I know is shit happens and if we turn away at everything that is a little "sick" then we are going to get hit at the back of the head, if you know what I mean. Well to take your mind off my sick one, here are the photos... The Duck That Just Doesn't Give A _______(fill it in, I'm not vulgar like that) ![]() My Duck Disciples. ![]() Bark Like A Tree ![]() OW, OW, OWOOOOOO, Full Moon. ![]() Well that one is just for the blog, and if you wanna see more duck pictures and a few others go to my Deviantart page, Well that's all, Tag me! Posted by Keiran at 10:42 PM Monday, March 13, 2006
Spring Break, Break Off My Head! Well I had a few things planned for this spring break, I was going to go to Galveston on my own and then to the desert and do my photography, but well as always, my life gives me the reality check I need to remind me that it sucks!! My mom thinks that I cannot go because I'm too young, well she tried to complicate it as usual by bringing up some other crap about why I cant go, but if you just break down the repeated nonsense its just a raw form if "YOU ARE TOO YOUNG". When will I grow up for her I don't know, maybe when I die off a heart problem, ok that's not a good example of my exaggeration, cause I may get that soon, well that is not the point, everyone may not say it but they all think I'm a kid. Well listen up Assholes, I'm NOT, I'm not a baby a kid or anything like that so stop with that shit ok! I am not going to write about how "I am 18 I deserve more", I think I deserved more 5 years ago! Well I am probably going to just sit home and play CS more, cause that is my useless and unexciting life! Sometimes I wonder why I put up with it, all the little things all my other friends won't think twice about what their parents may say, and just do, I guess no matter where I go there will be a form of very controlling "government". Except I could actually agree with the first one! Well I'm going to go kill people virtually! Posted by Keiran at 10:39 PM Wednesday, March 08, 2006
What's My Heritage
Santhiyaa found this extremely cool website, and all you do is upload your photograph and it shows you which celebrity you look like, really cool! Also this new show on FX is really cool its called Black White, and its about families trading races, the make up is damn well done, check out this cool pictures of the transformation.. The Black Family Before After ![]() ![]() Before After ![]() ![]() Before After ![]() ![]() The White Family Before After ![]() ![]() Before After ![]() ![]() Before After ![]() ![]() WOW!! I mean damn this guys are good and the first episode no one knew they were faking it or anything, I was in aww, the idea is fantastic though, but I find that the white father is a little narrow minded, he thinks that black people see racism because they look for it. Yea, but this show is hopefully going to be one of the better reality shows, Ice Cube is the creator, wow look what xXx can do!! Posted by Keiran at 10:57 PM |
About me
Name: Keiran Kumar Die Vergangenheit
![]() Blogs Santhiyaa Dick Clarissa Althea Shalani Barry the artist Boone the photoblog Photography Paul Michelle Jason Jenny Eric Links My DeviantArt Page Dimmu Borgir Nile Behemoth Rammstein Static X ![]() |