Thursday, January 26, 2006
At Last Something Fun! I have found something to do that's is very fun, I mean I have Friday off so I stayed up and had a ball!(I am being sarcastic!) ![]() Posted by Keiran at 10:34 PM Wednesday, January 25, 2006
FUR REEL! I was standing outside waiting for Santhiyaa to finish class when I saw these two guys. It was like straight out of a Hindi Film, The wind was blowing, they were dressed cool, sent away by their parents to study cause they were rebels back home, and they were cool here. I mean in slow motion and everything. They walk up to the smoking pavilion and start talking and you know they have been here a while or trying to fit in. They had a American accent and everything. They made a few mistakes in acting cool though, this is how the conversation went: Indian guy1: Hey apriti pai lar neerr(random Hindi gibberish) What I understood from this conversation by decoding the pointing and the smiles was: Indian guy1: Hey that gurl totally asked me out! The second Indian guy replied, Indian guy2: FUR REEL!? (in full force hardcore INDIAN accent!!!!) Hey I am Indian and find this funny! Its not For real? But FUR REEL!?. Well it gets better. So this guy goes on to speaking English, I don't know why but maybe cause I was red from holding in my laughter, and he did not want to seem lame. Indian guy1: So I saw VIKTARIA(Victoria) The other day. Indian guy2: FUR REEL!? Indian guy1: totally! Thank God Santhiyaa saved me from behind and I could laugh it off! I am sorry if you think I am insensitive, but its funny when they mess up trying to be who their not! Posted by Keiran at 12:40 AM Monday, January 23, 2006
COOL PIC! Well I'll let this small clip play/speak for itself ![]() All I gotta say is.... ![]() Posted by Keiran at 10:18 PM Sunday, January 22, 2006
Madagascar Penguins in A Christmas Caper Click on this title for the video. Posted by Keiran at 10:32 PM Thursday, January 19, 2006
New Pictures! I have been trying to take pictures of tress before spring arrives, the leavelessness looks cool. ![]() This is just a really close up shot a withered weed! ![]() And a tree again! ![]() Posted by Keiran at 9:37 PM Sunday, January 15, 2006
Nile Not Just The Best Death-Metal Band I saw Nile on Friday, I have to saw the build up was amazing. The opening bands were good, I really enjoyed Hypocrisy, I never listened to them before, but I think their pretty good. This ofcourse was pale in comparison to Nile. They were really tight! No mistakes at all, and also were very excited to be, I quote "celebrating metal on Friday the 13th". I guess it was cool. I am happy to say I got into the pit! I got the shit kicked out of me and I am still sore all over! My neck is still stiff! I did enjoy it though, I have to say death-metal fans are much crazier then normal metal fans, but they are real friendly though. I fell down after this guy kicked me into the ground and then he came over helped me up and went on to beating up another guy. Like Ravi always say "its all in the game" Also "danger is no stranger to a lone ranger!". Ok he does not really say that with conviction, just as a joke! I also think I may have met my soul mate there, she was beautiful, I mean really, maybe drunk but beautifully drunk! I only think she is my soul mate because she was in my dream the next day and I am having difficulties forgetting about her! So if hot nile fan girl with the web tattoo on your back, I like you and well....wanna go out?(all this only if by some miracle you read my blog, if not I'd probably never see you again!), Ok this is sad I'll never meet my soul mate again. Never mind I'll go get a new one! Sorry I have no photos they did not let me bring a professional camera in, sorry guys! Posted by Keiran at 5:25 PM Saturday, January 07, 2006
I left home for home
So I am back in Houston, all is the same but its colder! The flight was really bad, I mean Singapore Airlines kicks ass, but damn the flight was long! I just slept a lot. So now I am back and well things are gonna be back to normal. I already did my somewhat ritualistic 4 hours of counter-strike. Since I got my ass handed to me be Balraj and his friends, I am going to train my ass off! Now that I have so much free time I have decided to accomplish a few thing I have wanted to do. Well I'm gonna go wake everyone up for breakfast cause I cant sleep! ![]() Posted by Keiran at 5:45 AM |
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Name: Keiran Kumar Die Vergangenheit
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