Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Punch, Drunk, Shit I watched Punch, Drunk, Love the other day. Maybe it's because I'm not artsy fartsy, but I hated it! It confused me the whole night searching for the meaning, and only came to one conclusion, Frequent flier miles are good! But I also watched The Punisher. This led me to one very enlightening fact about myself! I am like alot of men out there, BIG BOOMS MAKE ME HAPPY! And to prove it I watched Who Am I today, and loved it! Its a cool Jackie Chan movie. You should check it out. And I also enjoyed Hell Boy. And now on a more serious note. I have now officially decided to major in Forensic Science, at The University of Texas at San Antonio. I am gonna have to take 4 chem, 2 bio and 2 ant classes to do it but its worth it. It seems like really hard work, and that's from just reading the course outline. But I really wonder if ill stick to this, I tend to be very fickle minded about my future. I was just reading the standard procedures of Dead Body Evidence Checklist, and woah was it weird, yet interesting. You may realize that my writing is very scattered, its because I have not blogged in a while. I watched Corpse Bride yesterday and it was fantastic I also borrowed The melancholy Death Of Oyster Boy. Damn in Tim Burton cool. I borrowed Nightmare before X'mas from the library, so I'll see if I'll enjoy that. Been driving alot more lately and it is really fun. Went up to 70 mph. Have not done much photography lately though. But still wondering how I can peruse that and also being a criminalist. Posted by Keiran at 11:08 AM Thursday, September 15, 2005
I am losing my mind! I feel like I am losing my mind, or just getting annoyed easily. Don't you hate when people pretend to like things when they want to seem "cool", when in actual fact they really don't know JACK! Unless they really knew a guy named jack. Then its a completely different topic. It feels like they violate something u enjoy for some half ass cheap thrill. I have stepped on dirt more expensive then they are, hell I unfortunately, have stepped on turds more expensive then them. Maybe I'm being immature, but I am really getting annoyed. Sadly some of these people won't realize they are being immature too, well probably till the get knocked up, or get AIDs. Ok I am not going to be the worlds biggest asshole, congratulations on your new born when it happens. And don't be so worried, they can do a DNA test to find the child's father, and I trust the police have swabbed him. Posted by Keiran at 2:07 PM Tuesday, September 13, 2005
A Play With Exposure Just a few experimental shot taken in the closet and well toilet too. Comments welcome. ![]() ![]() Posted by Keiran at 2:29 PM Monday, September 12, 2005
For A Friend! ![]() Posted by Keiran at 1:12 AM Sunday, September 11, 2005
Cheesey Cop Shows By the way I am not speaking of Cops, but those dramas. My favorite is ofcourse CSI, but that's not cheesey. But also Law And Order. Its a cool show but the lines are just amazingly cheesey, like when you buy Nachos from the cinema and it hardens!I have a few examples: Cop1: Come on guy, What do you think ya gonna find, trust me you are just turning over rocks! Detective Max: Remember, When you turn over a rock you may just find a rattle snake! This show is in New York. Turn over a damn rock and find me a rattle snake! Example 2: Senario, The chief has been setup/framed by his own department, and his detective try and help him, which in turn angers him. chief: Max forget it, forget I ever asked for your help! Detective Max: Donald, the sharks are out and there is blood in the water! what's with Max and his animals he cant see in New York???? The best for last ofcourse! Suspect: What, What you think you got on me huh? Nothing, nothing u got nothing on my ass!(By the way, Mexican guy with cheap accent) Detective Max: Oh don't worry, your ass is grass Hombre! Ass is grass???? whats up with that?? Posted by Keiran at 10:31 PM Saturday, September 10, 2005
WEE After the third disc of Frasier, yes I've been having a Frasier marathon. Santhiyaa said that she felt like taking a nap, so I said "Ok I think I'm going to take a wee bit before the next disc". To which she replied "can't you turn off the television first?!" To which I said "I am only going to the toilet for a wee, what's the problem?!". Sorry but I found this very funny!. Posted by Keiran at 4:03 PM Friday, September 09, 2005
Tattoos Anyone? www.darkimages.com Since a friend of mine got a tattoo, Terry, I remembered this artist that Cedric showed us when we were at his house. Paul Booth and Last Rites tattoo. They are amazing, check it out! ![]() And for all you Star Wars fans out there! ![]() ![]() ![]() Am I not right, are they not amazing, the shading the freaking time it would have taken too! And he probably charges by the hour!Damn if I ever get a tattoo and feel like going broke at the same time Paul Booth here I come!(But I guess its worth every cent, to go to the best artist ever!) Posted by Keiran at 9:05 AM Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Library I have never been in a library this long. I am currently waiting for santhiyaa to finish her class. I am listening to Mastodon. THEY ARE INSANE!(Thanks ravi for introducing me to Mastodon!). I also luckily found the "Graphic Novel"(which is a fancy way of saying comics)section of the library, And they have a huge selection, well of stuff I want to read!. Like X-men(the ones from where I stop buying), Sandman(I may not like the person who reads it, but it maybe good!), And check this out they have a CSI comic I can't wait to read it! And, Hellboy! So many, at least I'll have entertainment till we decide whether we gonna get Cable or not so, ill get a chance to start this reading business. People say it's, it's, "FUN". I don't know, never liked it, but I'll give it a shot! Ah ha it is time For.............."Movie Review" Watched an amazing movie the other day, it was a Chinese English movie, you know like old kung fu movie with bad mouth and voice co-ordination! But it was the coolest! "The Legend" Staring Jet lee. And its a comedy with cool, old school Chinese movie action! I need to borrow the other with him in it like "The Defender"(what I thought maybe a movie on football). And a Jackie Chan movie "Supercop"(which I thought was a Hong Kong Robocop rip off) . But still these movies sound amazing! I would like to give a Whole Hearted thank you to Dimension Film Co. For their amazing yet slow future take over of the movie industry! Posted by Keiran at 11:48 AM Friday, September 02, 2005
Train, Train Go Away! You may wonder what's with the title. Well as I told you people I did go for a cycle . But as I cruised down the road I passed a train track. So I was wondering what goes down the track so I cycled passed it and followed down the track on the correct side of the road. So was not very interesting so I just left turned back. While waiting for a chance to turn back, A loud low sounding whistle. A train came so I had to wait till it passed. And well you know waiting for five minutes is ok, but 10 is ridiculous!. And it was about to rain, I mean, if I got my camera wet I would hope it floods and I drown! So after the longest wait of my life with the seat of bike piercing through my Ass!!! And I also had a close encounter with a rattle snake. I was trying to a picture of flowers. And I kept hearing a, well, rattling noise. Santhiyaa said it was a sprinklers but in the middle of the field, I don't think so! So I walked away and it stopped and I stomped my feet and it started again, well lucky I did not get bitten! And if it rained, could I have sued the train company for destruction of property(my camera)? Def Leppard Sucks!!!! Posted by Keiran at 6:20 PM
Free Day So toady is my free day, no classes, no driving classes, Nichts. So I was just bumming on the couch watching Batman Beyond. And for all of you supposed Batman fans after Bat man begins that's Batman in the future, but its not Bruce Wyane. But that's not the point. I am quite bored now. I think I'll go for a cycle in a bit do abit of photography and comeback. So for all you anxious fans of mine hang on I'll post my photos A.S.A.P. By the way I am not being cocky I am just joking I know I have no fans! Posted by Keiran at 1:49 PM Thursday, September 01, 2005
Just another day. As usual I did nothing today, well except for driving class, and my sister took me driving practice. That was fun, almost went Thirty miles per hour, in a Ten mile per hour parking lot. I know, I know I am such a rebel I can't help it I was born wild, the adrenaline pumping and the speed and the rush. It was like racing except with no one and more curbs, turns, at very minimal speeds compared to real racing, but still! I was born to be wild! Like the horse or donkey I saw out run me, followed by the speed walking old lady. Well I'm not all that wild I guess. Posted by Keiran at 9:57 PM
Cool Quotes
Well it seems that Jonny actually did not come up with "Beating the meat like it owes you money". In actual fact it is from the Dave Chaplle Show. Which I feel is really funny and I enjoy it, so if anyone reading this please don't charge me for purgery. But Jonny did come up with two good ones. For an un trust worthy person- Will sell his own mother for cigarette money religion- We must remember in the end we are all in the same toilet just different cubicles. I don't know about you but I rather found the religion one funny. But it has made me wonder my place in this world. I myself am not a religious person, if you asked me today, I would say I do not believe in God. Maybe I would be enlightened some day but what if I died tomorrow. This lead me to my question to Jonny. "What about people who don't believe in God?". To which he replied "These people have to use the urinals!". I am not gonna lie I personally do not like using the urinals. So it has now let me to wonder if not believing in God is good for me. But now I leave you with a thought. What about girls who don't believe in God?! Dum Tum Dum! Tag your thought all of my 2-10 readers on a good day! Posted by Keiran at 12:34 PM |
About me
Name: Keiran Kumar Die Vergangenheit
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