Saturday, March 07, 2009
4 Weeks Left... So I have 4 weeks left in BRTC, It seems so near, but I know its a whole month! I wonder whats going to change after I POP. I don't think much will change, but I hope I get to relax a little more then I do now. To be honest I don't mind the training, the yelling, and even the retarded people, I think I just miss my freedom. I miss just being home at night. Well I'm sure I can endure another 4 weeks. I have been experimenting with my hand phone camera and I honestly took a few interesting photos. That's Ben, he does Judo and honestly moves very fast, my camera could not even catch him. OK, I'm lying, but it looks awesome though. Sharingan... Similar? I think so! Camp Life... I'd really love to write more, but I need to go Iron my uniform. Have to Book In soon... Posted by Keiran at 11:29 PM Saturday, February 28, 2009
Time is Flying Too Fast, and Too Slow.
So, I realized I don't know what I have a blog for if I never update it, I mean I know I'm not the writing type, but I don't know how to write anymore. I mean since September a shit load of things have happened, and to write about it would take me days, many many posts and pages. I mean December itself was insane, and now I started National Service, seriously. Why I'm writing this now, I really don't know. If anyone is to blame its Sunlounger and Zara, they making me feel depressed, but I can't stop listening... I'm on Saturday night now, which means I've got to go back tomorrow. Life moves really slow from Monday to Friday, but the weekends just fly by so fast, I don't even have time to think anymore. I find myself tired, but not the, "I want to sleep forever tired", it's the "I don't know what to do about this feeling" tired. I don't even know why I decided to write this, I mean I am sitting here thinking of what to say. Why am I forcing myself... Sana isn't here either, I hope she is having a good time though, I mean I'm sure is. I went for a run today, and I have no idea how long it was, but it felt long. I got to the beach at the end point, and well, that felt nice. There's something about hearing the waves come in and out over and over that makes you forget about everything. Maybe I should buy a beach house. Ravi is gone, I know he is coming back, but feels weird now. I didn't feel like I was going to miss him yesterday, but I do feel it today. I guess I just never really thought about it. I wonder when I'm going to feel the comfort of having everyone around at the same time. To be honest I think I just want to go out and listen to music and chill somewhere alone. So far my post has made no sense what so ever, but I guess that's the point. The ocean is dry. Do you feel hollow? Nowhere to hide And nothing to swallow And when you can't recognize Anything solid Where do you turn? When you can't buy it? What can you believe in now With no love to follow? Now that you have lost yourself Oh, can anything help you now? Just let your fears go You might find your way back home Let your fears go You might find that you're not lost ![]() The cycle continues... Posted by Keiran at 5:09 AM Monday, September 22, 2008
Crazy Saturday and Sadistic Sunday On Saturday Nick and I decided to meet in town cause he being the whore that he is had to buy insurance, but that another story for another day. After Nick decided that the insurance plan was not as good looking as he thought it would be, we met up for a game of pool. After trashing him 9-3 we moved on to eating Thai food where I saw an angel! She was working at the Thai food stall, she was KAWAII!!! I just found my balls and put them back on, and meant to say, damn she was hot yo! Like that girl be smokin! I can't wait to eat Basil pork rice with egg again. Little did we know this was the meal that we would have to get rid of faster then humanly possible! It was 9:00pm, and we had to go for supper buffet at 11:00pm! 2 hours to digest a whole meal! Most of you people who don't know me well enough will probably be saying "2 Hours enough to digest a meal then go eat supper what?!" NO! We needed to fully digest it! That meant nothing in out intestines either! All you fellow competitive eater now what I'm talking about. Two Men! One Desire! Lose Dinner Fast! YAKULT! ![]() See the how serious he is! He has done this before and knows whats about to happen! ![]() The only way for a man to open a slot of Yakult. ![]() If you are serious, you cant pace it, you have to do a sprint! ![]() Three flavours in one ![]() Every drop counts! ![]() Some artsy shots for fun... ![]() Ditto... ![]() Bubble bubble bubble.... ![]() MAMA!!!!!! ![]() I look quat sial! But we can feel it happening! ![]() By the way, it wasn't as bad as i made it look, I'm a little drama mama for my own good. ![]() Sexy thigh... ![]() Best shot of Nick i could get without him beating me up! ![]() Unfortunately all this was wasted as I found out Nick is an idiot, and that the hotel has not served supper buffet for 5 months now! Its all good though, he took me for Bah Kut Teh, good stuff lah! good stuff. Another activity I have recently been doing is making GIF files, for those of you who just bought a computer and moved out of the caves you called homes! Those are picture files that are like little video clips... Here are some i made, the ones I am most proud of... For all you fans of Ravi out there now you too can have your own Ravi gifs! For MSN ones message me or Ravi... Best way to go tell your friend he is being a douche! ![]() Tell your special someone how you really feel about her! ![]() Ravi says you are a gay boy! ![]() On Sunday I met up with Jonny, we had dinner and just slacked. Our "Slacking" will soon bring us an unprecedented amount of wealth but I am surely not going to give away how! By 2010 everyone will know! Well we went a little camera crazy and I made a few Gifs... ![]() ![]() ![]() Well that was some crazy stuff! Ill have to leave you all with this one Sana and I made for Anna, I'm displaying it here because we are still waiting for a proper version of the retaliation! ![]() I have to say, Sana is the genius behind this one! Kudos to her lah! Well that's all I got, bored again... Posted by Keiran at 9:24 AM Wednesday, September 17, 2008
O-Nee San tagged me so I have to do it or she'll think I don't read her blog when in fact, I'm actually big fan of hers. ;D Name 20 people you can think of: 1. Jonny 2. Sana 3. Dick 4. Farhan 5. Ethernet 6. Alwin 7. Wilson 8. Ravi 9. Chris 10. Gene 11. Denise 12. Anna 13. Althea 14. Anwar 15. Daryl 16. Iain 17. Mark 18. Phillip 19. Valerie 20. Drak How did you meet 14? From secondary school. What would you do if you never met 1? That would be extremely weird, my best friend all. What if 9 and 20 are fated? Omg they met on the game before, but 20 is married and has 3 kids, and 9 is currently trying to impregnate his girlfriend. Will 6 and 14 date? No both guys, wont be cool. and I think Iain got girlfriend already. Describe 3. Violent asshole, with a giant penis for a head, but nice guy oso lah. but too hardcore. Is 8 attractive? Ravi is hot as hell yo! Nigga be like the fire on da sun fo shiz. Describe 7. Nice guy, sometimes i think too nice, always got your back and take off work to club on your birthday all :D Do you know 12's family members? Um DUH! ITS ANNA! AND I'M ONE OF THEM! DUH! LIKE DAMN! What if 18 confesses that he/she likes you? Would be weird! He is a guy and he is studying in NTU would never work out, too far to travel for me. What language does 15 speak? English, Malay and he can laugh a lot. Who is going out with 9? I told you! trying to impregnate his girlfriend lah! How old is 16? 20 When did you last speak to 13? 1 week ago :P Who's 2's favorite singer? Currently Olivia Lufkin! Would you date 4? Yea funny guy! And been friends for a long time, so i trust him. Would you date 1? I used too, but Jonny and I decided to stay friends and there was this weird love triangle with ravi. dono lah don't wanna talk about it. Is 19 single? No she got bf lorx. What's 10's last name? Khor, saw or not! What school is 3 in? NS! Where does 6 live? Braddell heights. What do you think of 5? He is a damn good Internet connection lah! and also a cool guy and owns at DO DO DOTA!!! Have you seen 2 naked? Negative I don't like to see my sister naked eew! Choose 5 people to do this test: 1. Anna 2. Farhan 3. Jonny 4. Ravi 5. Dick Posted by Keiran at 10:40 AM Sunday, January 06, 2008
A Nemesis To A Hero Television is truly a gift as much as it is a curse. I mean aside from the fact people say it is sometimes a bad influence on children, but it sometimes builds an annoying feeling in you. Its burns you desires and dreams deeper into ones soul. As usual I'm still watching the usual, comedies(scrubs, family guy, etc.), The Food Network(who doesn't love that) and The Travel Channel. OK maybe I don't watch the Travel channel, I watch Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations, and In the past three weeks have found myself feeling very confused. At first I wanted to make Anthony Bourdain my nemesis, but now I realize I was just being a jealous prick, in actual fact Anthony Bourdain is my hero, he is the person I want to be, he does not censor himself and does not feel he has to be politically correct all the time, but he is who he is. At times he puts on a nice face because he does not want to disrespect the people who take him in and show him their hospitality. He goes for every trip with an open mind and an empty stomach, really what I would love to do for a living, see the world, learn about new cultures and share the one thing that holds this messed up world together, food! ![]() Posted by Keiran at 3:13 PM Tuesday, December 25, 2007
OH MY GOD, I'M BORED!!!!!!!! So It Xmas day and all so Merry Xmas my 1-4 faithful readers, and so I decided to blog. Whats been going on in my life lately, lets see... oh yea I have been walking around my house with a half broken Kendo stick pretending to be fighting hostiles, in other words furniture, the toilet, chasing my cat, you know hostiles. So I was watching Survivorman all day today and Miami ink, which made me realize when I was gonna blog about it, I already blogged about both! Though I really want to get a tattoo, I just feel I have to little skin for the number of ideas i have. On a more Tech side of things, I realized that alot of people here have iPhones, and like i was looking at all the functions and stuff and like damn is it a good phone, so here are some reason to get an iPhone Wow that was so cool also all these cool web features and all that.. Reasons not to get an iPhone.... OMG IPHONE SUCKS! Well I know its pretty bad ass but um....yea even if I could afford it I don't think I want one... So whats been up and stuff, not much but I think my music needs going back to the middle ground not just all techno anymore. Also some funny stuff i like... He was good, this next guy is good and stuff you just need to see it all the way. Well that's about it for now. Posted by Keiran at 7:35 PM Monday, December 10, 2007
Back to Blogging! OK everyone, now that I have found more time in my life, I have come back to blogging. Though I bet no one is gonna read my blog seeing as how I've said ill be blogging again and never did, BUT NOW ITS DIFFERENT! Well I broke my computer recently so ill be blogging from school which means no cool photos..yet! And I'm also gonna try this new thing, where I start going out and taking photos! I think ill call it photography. Well Sana has done my tag board and it kicks ass now! Its finals week,which means ill be studying a lot, or at least trying too, I kinda messes up this semester, but I'm going to try and make a change, and study hard next semester. As for music, if anyone knows the kind if music I like and would like to suggest some good techno, or techno-ish music like Schwarz Stein, I know they look weird and stuff but i like the music, and I wanna listen more Dark Wave and stuff I think that's a genre. Well that's about it for today, hope to see more people tagging and stuff. Posted by Keiran at 10:30 AM Wednesday, December 20, 2006
On Holiday
Well its kinda like the green day song, we are all on holiday for a month, finally after like 40 over weeks of school this little break actually feels good. My momeven has two weeks off for herself. So yesterday we went to Katy Mills Mall, And I think I can honestly think of a few women I know in Singapore who would have a ball at this place, it's kinda like a factory direct store. And well some stuff there can be cheap. Well you will see the photos... I think its like a good brand...?_? ![]() The man loves his massages. ![]() ALOT!!! ![]() It was a random photo that had an Indian Man in it! ![]() ![]() ![]() Artistic Gum Ball Machine Shot... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Best Friends! ![]() Tony Montana? ![]() How about now?? MUHAHAHA! ![]() Do you realize how brutal women get when there is a sale on shoes? They teat that bitch apart, you'll find a lady buying one shoe, or just running out with a box, WEIRD SHIT! ![]() ![]() ![]() Feels like home... Trust me when you have been gones this long simple shit like this is cool as hell, in Gallery furniture they have a Singapore flag too, next to the Macaws...Its a cool furniture shop I need to go back too. ![]() This place was cloxing down, so Anna felt like he needed to contribute. But Bible factory outlet?? ![]() ![]() that's quite funny in my books. ![]() ![]() Poor animals, how is that a cool ornament, well maybe like Anna said JLO would look good in my room with her mouth wide open. Well maybe for a change close. ![]() ![]() But there are cool shops like this, It's feels really Hippie, but I think it still promotes good feelings, but it was one of those trippy ass shops, incense burning, and all that weird stuff. But cool, but a good example of a weird item there would be the next photo... ![]() Funk and Wagnalls Encyclopedia???? ![]() ![]() Yes there is a fake Monkey above his head. ![]() Don't worryt its not a realy Crocodile and people throw pennies in for luck. ![]() ![]() Some other shops. ![]() ![]() ![]() Well that was Katy Mills, but I did end up having fun there even though I did not want to go. And also Had a Triple Whopper With Cheese....KING SIZE! Oh on Sunday I went for this Drift event and it was soo awesome, my friend gave me rides too! Lemme post some photos of the event, not all taken by me though. I only took the first two... sadly my friend crashed into a tire wall at 80mph and broke his body kit...Should have used black duck tape. ![]() ![]() ![]() Well that's pretty much what's going on so far...And I will leave you with the man of 15 faces... Posted by Keiran at 12:49 PM |
About me
Name: Keiran Kumar Die Vergangenheit
![]() Blogs Santhiyaa Dick Clarissa Althea Shalani Barry the artist Boone the photoblog Photography Paul Michelle Jason Jenny Eric Links My DeviantArt Page Dimmu Borgir Nile Behemoth Rammstein Static X ![]() |